I've really been enjoying doing these fragrance oil / essential oil blends. It's a nice change from the soaps that I normally make. The blends behaved beautifully. I experienced no acceleration all all. So, I really wish that I had done a water discount. That's my new thing now, btw. I'll talk more about it in my next post.
The scent is pretty much citrus and ice. A "wake me up" kind of fragrance with Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon Tangerine & Bergamot with a blast of Peppermint, Eucalyptus and menthol.
The name pretty much says it all for this blend. It's all ice. Peppermint & Eucalyptus
Both soaps were made with Coconut Milk in my basic Olive Oil recipe with added benefits of Shea Butter (unrefined) and Avocado Oil. I can't wait to try them out :0)