Saturday, September 4, 2010

Honey I Washed the Kids

This is another LU$H type soap.  I've been trying to come up with some ideas for renaming it.  Brandon came up with "Honey B. Harvest".  I kind of like that but, we'll see.  I've been wanting to try making the soap with the holes on top for awhile and this fragrance gave me the perfect opportunity to try.  I only made a 6 bar batch because I wasn't sure how the fragrance would work in CP soap.  I've never used fragrance oil from this particular company before.  I'm really funny about deviating from what's tried and true when money is involved, lol.  But, the oil soaped beautifully.  No discoloration or acceleration.


  1. Great looking soap but it looks a lot like Inner Earth Soaps' Honey Be Mine...

  2. Thanks Patrice and Gracias Marta!!

    @Anonymous thank you as well. I'll take that as a HUGE compliment! Their soaps are awesome :0)

  3. Congratulations about your Blog and your wonderfull creations. Grettings from Spain

  4. Acabo de conocer tu blog y haces unos jabones muy bonitos. Besos.

  5. The soap is really wonderful. I love this very natural look. Fantastic.

  6. Te ha quedado muy bonito. A mi personalmente el jabón de miel me encanta.



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